Tony Tuthill (Kinneas)

Aug 12, 20203 min


There have been no live broadcasts since 2016.

Everything started falling apart after STLV 50th Anniversary.

Mostly the same issue. DJ's did not like wanting to be IN-CHARACTER to do their shows.

The goal since 2005 when I was creating the FLEET RADIO segments was to have a 100% IN-CHARCATER radio station for Star Trek: Online.

The first major mutiny took place in the first year after creating Subspace-Radio with Gaming Radio Network.

Everything was going fine then some DJ's started to complain and it started snowballing. There were a lot of other business related issues with Gaming Radio Network including; after awhile, always over-riding my creative authority. This, after establishing the station as the world's first Internet radio station for ST:O and driving a Guinness World Record. It's a LONG story.

Then it started happening again with STO-RADIO. I was the lead creative for that with my old 'partner', Zach Nicodemous from, THE HAILING FREQUENCY PODCAST.

Everything was going great but then the complaints again about having more and more 'out of character' formatting.

Then Zach stepped away from helping manage the station and instead of turning control over to me, he turned it over to someone else who promptly did everything to shut me out completely from decision making.

It was admitted to my face several years later it was all done intentionally and 'staged' with the help of other DJ's to cause fights with me to have me removed.

Right after establishing them now as the greatest Star Trek/ Star Trek: Online radio station.


The powers that be would not sell the domain TREKRADIO dot COM to Zach or those involved with my outing. "YOU deserve it!" They said.

I offered the domain to Zach if he would reinstate me and put me back in charge. He decided to refuse.

So I had the best domain for OUT of Character content but still no In-Character ONLY station.

Deciding not to compete with Zach's; Trekradio dot NET, I had a slow time trying to rebuild. The top TWO stations I created already had all the listeners.

Recruiting the best DJ's was hard as they had already been picked up. With the most popular ones usually being the IN-CHARACTER DJ's. OI!

So with others we were 'Pirates Radio' for awhile (The Orion Pirates Syndicate).

Then I decided to create and enforce an all in-character station before 2016 and just before the 50th anniversary of Star Trek in Las Vegas.


Right after that it started again. Another series of DJ's who did not want to comply.

Then the 2016 election. Everyone got political, started fighting and started splitting hairs over everything. If you even showed the slightest support for Donald Trump (now President Trump) you were shunned by the entirety of the Star Trek community as most all the actors started a TREKKERS vs TRUMP campaign and split the entire Star Trek community in two! You were either with them or against them.

So I threw my hands up!

Six years of total failure. Eleven years if you count all the podcasting years promoting such radio stations BEFORE Internet Radio technology and software existed!


Two weeks ago DJ STORM contacts me and asks for help to start broadcasting again. "I don't want to see it all die!", he said.

"It's already dead." I said. But I have never discontinued payments on my streaming host. A 'station' is still there but nobody is listening. I could have let it fully die but maybe I've been holding on to let some time pass and people to calm down politically ( yeah right).

So I offered to help him get set back up.

We've been trying to do connection tests for two days. We've both forgotten a lot.

When he gets situated he said he will start announcing his shows again in Star Trek: Online and see how things are. Now is a good time as the yearly SUMMER FESTIVAL on RISA is taking place.

I put off so many other dreams and things I could have done when I got involved with the development of Star Trek: Online. I could have been making art, publishing books and comics and tried for something very different. Now I'm severely in the hole and it took a toll on every aspect of my private life.

I've been trying to recover and am just so reluctant to keep doing what caused my entire life to break down.

It really is tough to swallow when other people have prospered off my initial work and initial vision and get to enjoy doing what I created.

If you care at all for me to return now is the time to let me know.
